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<따인's 영단어 study> voca 단어 함께 외우기♥





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단어장의 끝.판.왕 VOCA+ dew  page.115 공부해볼게요^^


필수어휘 위주로 공부해 볼테니깐 잘 따라와주세요~! 


vain (a) 헛된(useless), 무익한(futile), 허영심이 강한(vainglorious, full of vanity)

vein (n) 정맥, 광맥(lode)

ex>We should spare no efforts so that his altruism will not be in vain.

ex> He deliberately avoids direct confrontation with his vain wife.

ex>The women working on their feet are likely to contract varicose  veins.

ex>A rich vein of bonanze was discovered.


concern(n)관계(relation), 관심(interest), 걱정(apprehension, anxiety)

discern(v) 알아보다(recongnize), 식별하다(distinguish, discriminate)

ex>Her concern liks in nothing but money.


calculate (v) 계산(산정)하다(compute), 추정(추산)하다 (estimate)

circulate (v) 순환하다(rotate), 유포되다(diffuse), 유통하다(float)

ex>He circulated counterfeit notes in bulk.


* varicose

* counterfeit


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