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<따인's 영단어 study> voca 단어 함께 외우기♥





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단어장의 끝.판.왕 VOCA+ dew  page.113 공부해볼게요^^


필수어휘 위주로 공부해 볼테니깐 잘 따라와주세요~! 


exploitation (n) 개발(developmet), 개척, 착취(squeezing)

 ex) we are in pursuit of commercial exploitation of ocean resources.

 ex) It is sexual exploitation as well as forced labor.


exploration (n)탐험(expedition), 답사, 탐구(quest) , 조사(investigation)


curse (n) 저주(imprecation), 욕설(vilification)course (n) 과정(proces), 진로(path), 항로(seaway), 수업(class)coarse (a) 거친(rough), 조잡한, 굵은, 귀에 거슬리는(harsh grating), 상스러운(vulgar) ex) It was not so mch a humor as a kind of coarse jokes.coerce (v) 강요하다(compel), 강제로 ~하게 하다ex) They maintained that the player was coerced and bribed.


* commercial

* labor
