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<따인's 영단어 study> voca 단어 함께 외우기♥





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단어장의 끝.판.왕 VOCA+ dew  page.114 공부해볼게요^^


필수어휘 위주로 공부해 볼테니깐 잘 따라와주세요~! 


absolve(v) 면제하다(exempt),용서하다(forgive,condone), 사면하다(pardon)dissolve(v) 해소하다, 녹이다, 해산하다(disband), 분해하다(take apart)

resolve(v) 결심(결정)하다(decide, determine)

ex) He was absolved of all responsibility for the collapse of the bridge.

ex) Look at a dictatorial regime dissolved. 


deflect(v) 빗나가다(deviate), 피하다(avoid,escape, evade)

reflect(v) 반영(반사하다)_(reverberate), 숙고하다(ponder on,dwell on)

ex) With strong willpower, he was not deflected from his objective.

ex) Instead of deflecting their criticism, he tackled it squarely.


stuff(n) 물질,물건 (v) 넣다 

stuffy(a) 통풍이 안 되는, 지루한(tedious)


* collapse 

* regime

* willpower

* objective

* squarely


오늘도 찾아주셔서 감사합니다^^
